Our Services
Stay One Step Ahead with our range of services
We offer a range of services to boost your project, from enhanced visibility and community support to exclusive reports and networking opportunities. You can choose from our convenient package deal or select services a la carte to tailor your support to your specific needs.
Lion's Mark

Marketing Management

  • Complete Marketing Management: Comprehensive project oversight.
  • Strategic Marketing: Tailored strategies for optimal results.
  • Influencer Engagement: Leveraging high-quality global KOL networks.
  • Consultation and Advisory: Expert guidance for development and growth.
  • Incubation: Launching successful projects with strong industry connections.
  • Partner Referrals: Connecting with top full-stack marketing partners.
  • Performance Reports: Detailed analytics for optimization.
Lion's Mark

Promotion and Exposure

  • Web3 Network Access: Leveraging our vast Web3 network for partnerships and collaboration. 
  • Featured Listings: Prominent placement in all our groups.
  • Full Suite of X Platform PR Services: Comprehensive support across X Platform.
  • Exclusive Project 360° Infographic Review: Detailed visual analysis of your project.
  • Published Medium Blog on Coinmonks: Highlighting your project on Coinmonks' Medium blog.
  • AMAs: Engaging Space sessions on our on X Platform.
Lion's Mark

Community Support

  • 24-Hour Global Telegram Support: Around-the-clock global support on Telegram.
  • Telegram AMA: Support AMAs on Telegram.
  • Security Setup: Implementing security features and providing 24-hour safe watch.
  • Community Info Development: Creating informative messages and graphics.
  • Positive Sentiment Chatters: Deploying chatters to drive positive sentiment.
  • Community Competitions: Organizing and managing competitions.
  • Promotional Support: Encouraging promotions with Telegram raiding bots.
Lion's Mark

Lion's Share Approved KOL Agency

  • Influencer Matching: Connect with top-tier, verified KOLs.
  • Campaign Strategy: Tailored for maximum impact, from simple to large-scale global campaigns.
  • Coordination: We handle all logistics, including content and timing execution.
  • Simplified Payment: One payment, we handle the rest, offering value for money with industry-best rates
Partner Services
Full-Stack Partner Services
Exclusive LION’S SHARE GROUP partnership deals are offered to our clients.
Lion's Mark

Global Influencer Packages

  • Monthly Verified KOL Services: Regular engagement with verified Key Opinion Leaders.
  • Global KOL Network: Access to an extensive network of global influencers.
  • Targeted Regional Reach: Focused outreach in specific regions.
  • Value for Money Assured: Cost-effective influencer marketing solutions.
Lion's Mark

Global AMA / Spaces

  • Comprehensive AMA and Spaces Management: Facilitating and managing AMAs across multiple platforms.
  • Multi-Platform Reach: Coordinating engagements on X, WeChat, Telegram, and YouTube.
  • Targeted Regional Outreach: Ensuring focused interactions in specific regions.
  • Verified Speakers and Hosts: Connecting you with verified and influential speakers.
  • Value for Money Assured: Providing cost-effective solutions to maximize audience engagement.
Lion's Mark

Mainstream Media and Promotional Packages

  • Mainstream Media Coverage: Facilitating features on mainstream media such as Yahoo, Bloomberg, Trading View, and Market View.
  • High-Traffic Billboard Slots: Securing prominent billboard placements in high-traffic areas.
  • Trending Campaigns: Managing and promoting trending campaigns to boost visibility.
Lion's Mark

Bespoke Services by Community Juice

  • Discord Community Management: Facilitating effective community engagement on Discord.
  • Discord Build: Setting up and customizing Discord servers.
  • BOT Development: Creating and managing custom Discord bots.
  • Website Development: Designing and developing tailored websites.
  • Branding Packs: Crafting comprehensive branding packages to enhance your project’s identity.
  • BOT Development: Creating and managing custom Discord bots.
  • Website Development: Designing and developing tailored websites.
Lion's Mark

CEX Listing Fastrack Services

  • Accelerated CEX Listing: Expediting your project's listing on major centralized exchanges.
  • Strategic Exchange Partnerships: Facilitating connections with top exchanges.
  • Listing Support: Providing comprehensive support throughout the listing process.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to all necessary regulations for a smooth listing.
Lion's Mark

YouTube Promotional Packages

  • Tailored YouTube Packages: Finding YouTube promotional packages customized to client needs.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Facilitating partnerships with popular YouTube influencers.YouTubers
Lion's Mark

Telegram Promotional Services

  • Large-Scale Campaigns: Launching extensive campaigns on Telegram and X communities.
  • Targeted Regional Promotions: Facilitating adverts and content in specific regional Telegram groups.
  • Content Posting: Managing and posting promotional content tailored to target audiences.
